Thank you for visiting my website
I teach people how to do Reiki for themselves and others.
I teach people how to do Reiki for themselves and others.
I have been a Reiki Master since 1998 and it is my passion to teach others how to use this wonderful energy. I hold classes on a regular basis. All my classes are held in the Phoenix, Az area.
I have completed level 2 of Dolores Cannon's QHHT training. It is wonderful work. The appointments last about 4 to 6 hours. You will be under hypnosis and experience past life/lives and be able to ask your SubConscious/ Higher Self questions.
For more information see website: www.QHHTbyLaurel.com
We will be holding classes at
The Place of Spiritual Wisdom
9720 W. Peoria Avenue, Suite 108A
Peoria, AZ 85345
To register for class call: 623-583-1330
* Cost is subject to change.
In Reiki I you will learn about the history of Reiki, how it works and how to use it. You will receive the hand positions for self Reiki. We will discuss energy and dis-ease.
In Reiki II you will learn the Reiki II symbols and how to use them to heal others, animals and our Universe. You will learn about long distance healing and body scanning to locate areas of dis-ease. You will be introduced to the time line and how to send Reiki into the future to assit you with future events and into the past to heal past experiences. You will be come a Reiki Practitioner and be able to perform healing sessions for others and charge for them.
In Reiki Master you will learn the Master symbols. You will learn the attunement process and how to teach classes. You will learn about the outer bodies where dis-ease starts and how to work there to prevent it from manifesting. We will discuss how to create the life you want to live.
In Reiki I you will learn about the history of Reiki, how it works and how to use it. You will receive the hand positions for self Reiki. We will discuss energy and dis-ease.
In Reiki II you will learn the Reiki II symbols and how to use them to heal others, animals and our Universe. You will learn about long distance healing and body scanning to locate areas of dis-ease. You will be introduced to the time line and how to send Reiki into the future to assit you with future events and into the past to heal past experiences. You will be come a Reiki Practitioner and be able to perform healing sessions for others and charge for them.
In Reiki Master you will learn the Master symbols. You will learn the attunement process and how to teach classes. You will learn about the outer bodies where dis-ease starts and how to work there to prevent it from manifesting. We will discuss how to create the life you want to live.
* Cost is subject to change.
Reiki is a Japanese technique that works with the energy fields of the body to promote balance, relaxation, and wellness. It is a non-invasive, gentle practice that is safe for all ages and can be used to address a variety of physical, emotional, and spiritual issues.
Learning how to do this wonderful practice is easy and simple. However, it does require you learn from a Reiki Master and receive an attunement. The attunement will be sent to you long distance and will connect you with Universal energy source.
This attunement will be included in the course for each level and will be performed long distance in the comfort of your home at a specified time.
Soon! You will be able to take all levels of Reiki training on-line. If you wish to be notified of when the classes are available, use the form below to get your name on the list! I will send you an email with sign-up instructions.
Ready to start your Reiki journey? Contact us today to sign up for on-line classes.. We look forward to hearing from you!
In person Reiki Session in Phoenix area
Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
My home and office is in Sun City, Arizona
If you live or will be visiting the Phoenix area, you may schedule an appointment. If you live in another area we can schedule a long distance Reiki session.
All QHHT sessions are private. No one else is allowed in the room with us.
If you would like to receive Reiki energy for any level, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, just let me know. I will send Reiki to you on a daily basis. Reiki energy can be sent into the future to help with health problems, a test, job interview, safe travel or any other situation. Reiki energy can be sent to anyone, anything, any where in the world. In order to start receiving Reiki energy, please go to the "Reiki Request" page and fill in some information. I will add your request and start sending Reiki to you daily.
Here you may enter your Reiki Request. I will send Reiki energy into your request. Also other people of the Reiki community will send Reiki energy to your request as well. Reiki Practitioners please visit this page often and help send Reiki energy to the request. You may request to receive Reiki on a physical, mental, emotional or spiritual level. Your request may be for help with financial, employment, relationship issues. You may request Reiki energy for anything you would like. Use the following form to request Reiki energy. Your request will be posted on this website and I as well as other Reiki Practitioners will send you energy. We will never sell your information or email address. If you are requesting Reiki energy for another person, please try to get their approval to receive the energy. It is my intention that all the requests honor the Highest Good of ALL.
Please send Reiki to my brother, J.K. of Reno, Nevada. He is very ill with prostate infection. Thank you.
Sun City West, AZ
I see your brother restored to good health.
So be it and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to my husband, K.P. He is going to have triple bypass surgery.
Phoenix, AZ
I see your husband coming through the surgery. His heart will be stronger than before.
So be it and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to my sister LD. She fell and broke her neck and hurt her shoulder.
Phoenix, AZ
I see your sister recovering from her injury. She will be stronger and she will be able to understand why this happened to her.
So be it and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to me for my gallbladder and may I make the best choices for my medical situation.
Tempe, AZ
Dear E.W.
I see your body restored to full health and balance. After a period of rest and reflection you are able to continue your normal Classes and helping others. You are to spend some energy on yourself at this time.
So be it and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to me. I have been told I have cervical cancer. Thank you.
Phoenix, AZ
Dear S.H.
I am sending Reiki energy to you. May your body and spirit be healed.
Soit is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to my friend F.M. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer.
Phoenix, AZ
Dear J.B.
I see your friend fully restored to health. She is living a vibrant life.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me on April 12th as I will be having surgery. Thank you.
Sun City, AZ
Dear S. M.
I see your surgery being a success. You will feel much better afterwards. Thank you for your request.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me. I will be having brain surgery on April 10th .
Phoenix, AZ
Dear L.D.
I see your surgery as successful. Everything will be improved by your surgery. Thank you for your request.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me. I will be having surgery on May 7th to replace my knee.
Thank you,
Phoenix, AZ
Dear J.B.,
I see your surgery being a success. You will be able to walk and move without pain.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me. I am having surgery for breast cancer next week.
Sun City West, AZ
Dear DJM, Thank you for your Reiki Request. I see the surgery going smoothly and being successful. You will recover quickly with minimal amount of pain. Everyone that you need to help you will be there.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to my daughter, KM. She has Cystic Fibrosis and can no longer tolerate the antibiotic medications she needs to take by mouth. She is needing to have a delivery tube installed in her body. Please send Reiki to help in that process.
Sun City, AZ
Dear DM, Thank you for your Reiki request. I see your daughter receiving the delivery tube as she needs and receiving the medication she needs. Everything will go smoothly in this process for her. As she needs.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to my son, MAK. He is having trouble in his healing process after breaking his femur and needing to take pain medication. H e is working to get off of the pain meds. Thank you!
Sun City, AZ
Dear DK, Thank you for your Reiki request! May your son heal completely and be able to live his life as a young man should. Ma y he be able to get off of the harmful pain medication that he no longer needs. May you be able to help him in the very best way that he needs.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
I have blockages and fractures that continually appear in my third eye and crown chakra. I have a small blockage in my throat chakra. I also have small voids and fractures. I have several blockages and all forms of blockages and all negative energies, feelings and emotions within my 3 bodies: my chakras, aura field, third eye and body. I am often/very easily filled with negative feelings and emotions (anger, frustration, disappointment, pain, bitterness, misery, sadness, sorrow, despair, unhappiness, worries, anxiety and fear). Please totally remove all blockages, negative energies, feelings and emotions from my chakrs, aura field, third eye and body chakra, imbalance my chakras and aura are out of balance and not aligned at all. There are to much negative energies, toxins, blocked energies and blockages in my chakras and aura. Please totally remove all Negative energies, toxins, blocked energies and blockages in my chakras and aura. Please totally balance and align my chakras and aura..
Thank you for visiting my website. I am sending Reiki energy to you. However, there are several steps I would suggest you do to help in your process of releasing all the negative energies you are feeling.
* Sit in a quiet place. Close your eyes and imagine your are surrounded with a golden white light of protection. Imagine this light forms a bubble that completely surrounds you. While in this bubble,
* Ask your guardian angel for help and protection.
* Imagine there is a giant switch in front of you, in the down/off position. You are to flip the switch up/on and when you do your emotions change from negative to positive. Any time you are feeling the negative emotions "Flip the Switch" to change them to positive.
* Surround yourself with happy positive people, look at pretty pictures, listen to happy, uplifting music. Avoid anything that is negative.
* Go to a park where you can sit on grass. Sit on the grass and let your body relax and feel the grounding qualities of the earth fill you and soothe your body, relax your mind and think about the beautiful things your have seen and experienced recently.
Know that your angel/God wants the very best for you. You are a powerful being and you can create a happy positive life through the power of your thoughts.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to my 65 year old father, W.Z. He was still seeing patients when he tested positive for the COVID. He was admitted to the ER after struggling to breathe and was diagnosed with pneumonia. He is receiving treatment intravenously and is due to get out of the hospital on Saturday. They ran test and a CT showed a 1.3 cm nodule in his upper right lung. They can not do further testing until he is stable from the virus, and out of the hospital. Father is extremely compassionate, vegan, exercised daily, was a marathon runner up until a couple years ago and incorporates holistic healing into his life and for others . He is everyone's hero and healer. Everyone that knows him is devastated by his current situation. Please he needs help urgently. Thank you so much for your help.
Orange City, FL
Thank you for visiting my website. I am sending Reiki energy to your father, W.Z. May he recover fast and completely. May his body rise above the virus and grow stronger. May the doctors and nurses providing his care know exactly what to do to treat him. May you receive comfort and know that you father will get stronger each and every day.
So it is and it is so.
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to help with lack of energy, delays in business that are creating great tension. Please send light.
D. C.S.
Lima, Chorrillos, Peru, S. America
I see your energy rising and business is exciting again. You are relaxed and able to think what is the best thing for your business.You and your business are filled with light.
So it is and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me to heal mental and emotional fragmentation.
Arden, NC
I see you in a perfect state. You are able to think clearly and you are in control of your emotions. You are feeling loved and peaceful.
So it is...and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to heal the relationship between B. and I. It is desperately needed. Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate it so much.
Littleton, CO
I see your relationship as warm and loving. You are drawn closer through this time. Your love is returned and you are a strong couple.
So it is...and it is so!
Laurel Dale
I have pain in both my shoulders and back from years of teaching and playing guitar. It is hard for me to sleep at night.
Pearce, AZ
I see you healthy and able to do whatever you want. Everyday in Every way, You keep getting Better and Better.
So it is ... and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to my sister. She was sent home from the hospital to be cared for by hospice. She is dying.
Sunsites, AZ
I see your sister resting comfortably. She knows her family is with her and loves her. She is well cared for and loved.
So it is ..... and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
I was initiated into Reiki 3 months back but the results are not showing.
My throat chakra is still closed. Can you suggest the sequence of Reiki symbols to be used for the opening of this closed chakra?
Also please help me boost my self confidence with Reiki.
I see you speaking your truth joyfully and freely. You are open, your heart is open and you are creating the life you desire with ease.
So it is.....and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
Please send healing to my right foot, which I sprained.
Ann Harbor, MI
I see you walking and moving easily. You trust your life will take you to your highest good. You are at peace.
So it is.....and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to my father. He has become very sick.
Peoria, AZ
I see your father as healthy and living life to the fullest.
So it is.....and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me as I apply for a new job on Monday.
Peoria, AZ
I see you working at your new job. You will be able to get the hours you want and will enjoy it.
So it is.....and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
Things going very well. Tomorrow we have eye test and then he should be released.
Thank you for all your prayers.
J.M., Dallas, TX
Thank you for the report. I will continue to remember your grandson and family.
from: Laurel Dale
Please send healing to J in Oregon for serious addiction issues, heart health and post traumatic stress disorder. Thank you
Boise, ID
I see J feeling comfortable in his body, his heart functions perfectly and his mind is clear. Peace prevails in his life.
So it is ... it is so,
From: Laurel Dale
I got the job! Today was my first day! It was the best day of my life!
I sold 40 units and my customers love me! I feel like I am really helping people!
Thank you, Reiki & Laurel! I am so happy!
Peoria, AZ
I am happy to hear of your success! You will continue to help people in your job.
So it is....and it is so.
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy, I have a job interview today.
A. E.
Peoria, AZ
I see you working at the job of your choice. You get the hours you want and you are happy.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
I am going through treatments and want my body to be healed.
Also please send Reiki to my family for strength to continue supporting me during this time.
Dallas, TX
I see your body as strong and well. It is able to function properly. Your family is strong and peaceful with the knowledge of your good health.
So it is ..... and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
I am having abdominal pain and will be having some test for it next week. Please send Reiki energy that everything will go good on the test.
I see you receiving good news from the test. You are healthy and comfortable in your body. Your business runs smoothly and everything goes as it should.
So it is.....and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to my son who has a severe speech disorder. Thank you
Perth, Australia
I see you finding the right people to help your son improve his speech. I see you and others understanding what he is saying. I see him being able to express himself and feeling confident and happy about speaking.
So it is ..... and it is so!
from: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to me everyday. I have a tumor in my abdomen, it is very painful. The tumor seems to be growing.
Peoria, AZ
I see the tumor shrinking and with it the pain going away. Your body is in harmony and you live in peace and well being.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to heal childhood fears and negative energy. Thank you so much.
Sari, Iran
I see you feeling positive and at ease in your living situation. The Reiki energy is surrounding you with golden white light of protection, peace and love.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
I am having surgery, please send Reiki energy that everything will go smoothly for me.
Scottsdale, AZ
I see the surgery as a success! Your recovery will be fast and complete.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Send Reiki for these medical conditions that are causing me to pass gas as my body is constantly producing gas from past anti psychotic medication and gallbladder problems. This is ruining my life.
Independence, Ohio
I see you comfortable in your body, it functions perfectly. Your gallbladder works as it should. The build up of the past medication is flushed from your body. You are at ease. Your life improves every day.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to help in releasing childhood fears and negative energies. Thank you!
Sari, Mazandaran, Iran
May your thoughts be pure, about love and the abundant gifts of the Universe. May you be able to look back on your childhood with pleasant memories. May you live in ease.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to me. The Doctor told me I have a spur in my heel and it makes it very painful to walk. My job requires me to do a lot of walking.
Phoenix, AZ
May you be able to walk comfortably. You will be able to walk easily.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
My niece is having surgery on her back and was told she would be in a lot of pain afterwards.
Sunsites, AZ
May her surgery be successful, may her recovery be fast and comfortable.
So it is...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
I am going through a divorce. Please send Reiki to me that everything will go smoothly and will be fair for both parties. Also that I will have the strength I need to complete this process. Thank you!
I see everything going as you wish. You are strong and are able to do what is necessary for your situation.
So it is ... and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki energy to help with lack of energy, delays in business that are creating great tension. Please send light.
D. C.S.
Lima, Chorrillos, Peru, S. America
I see your energy rising and business is exciting again. You are relaxed and able to think what is the best thing for your business.You and your business are filled with light.
So it is and it is so!
Please send Reiki to me to heal mental and emotional fragmentation.
Arden, NC
I see you in a perfect state. You are able to think clearly and you are in control of your emotions. You are feeling loved and peaceful.
So it is...and it is so!
Please send Reiki energy to my husband in trauma ICU. He needs help healing his bleeding brain so he can achieve full recovery. He needs to be able to follow commands so the breathing tube can be removed to help clear his pneumonia. Thank you!
Fresno, CA
I see your husband waking up, his breathing tube removed and he is able to breathe easily and clearly on his own. You are by his side and able to help him regain full function.
So it is...and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to heal the relationship between B. and I. It is desperately needed. Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate it so much.
Littleton, CO
I see your relationship as warm and loving. You are drawn closer through this time. Your love is returned and you are a strong couple.
So it is...and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to heal her from cold, cough, fever and associated infection, many thanks,
Mahabubnagar, India
I see her with a strong body, vibrant and full of good health. May she be healed.
So it is...and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me for a viral cold, fever, sore throat and associated infection. Many thanks and God bless.
Mahabubnagar, India
I see you in vibrant health with a strong healthy body and soul.
So it is...and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Dear Master, I need distant Reiki healing for the following causes: 1) Despite working very hard I have not been chosen for any promotion & appraisal by my organization. 2) To cope up with the rising expenses, I paid a trader to get some profit, but that trader scammed me. He says he will return my profit and investment, but doen't do so. 3) I am unable to start my Reiki self healing. Thank you in advance.
S. J.
I see you gaining in favor with your organization. Your hard work will be noticed. You will be able to manage your money and income. Any future investments you will invest wisely and be profitable. I see you using your Reiki on a daily basis and your energy is becoming stronger.
So it is...and it is so!
Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me, my father, J and my family, K.C & K. C. My father is very sick and we are going through a very difficult time.
Frisco, TX
I see your father regaining his health. I see your family working, playing together and helping each other. You are a solid cohesive group.
So it is ... and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to my father, C.M. as he had a stroke.
Dallas, TX
I see your father regaining the mobility he has lost and gaining new strength. I see you helping him in this process.
So it! is ... and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me and my family as my father just died.
Dallas, TX
I see you and your family wrapped in love and light. You receive comfort at the thought of your father.
So it is ... and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki healing to find a job I love, working for honest people I enjoy. Many blessings to you Laurel!
Lincoln, Nebraska
I see you loving your work and enjoying working with wonderful people. You are fulfilled and satisfied with the work you do.
So it is ... and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Please send Reiki to me to raise positive energy and mental healing.
Dominica, Giraudel
I see you filled with positive energy and you are able to think clearly and fast. You are able to do everything you need to do.
So it is ...and it is so!
From: Laurel Dale
Feel free to contact us with any inquiries you may have. We look forward to sharing the experience of Reiki or QHHT with you.
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